Even those who started the fire may have loved the pier

-is that possible?
Black Tide; poem by CVG, St Leonards-on-Sea, 9/10/2010

Black Tide

A black tide has rolled in,
A black tide of starlings,
A black tide of rats’ bones, charred,
A black tide of timber, plastic, glass and twisted metal:
The sea-claimed refuse of the night of flame.
You can save me’ read the banners.
Everyone loves the Pier’ said the poster
You trampled as you scaled the railings
To tear the heart out of the town
And release the black tide

(Photo is of blog author, Paul Crosland)
Other pages on this blog:
Mediation Support at Southwater Community Centre
Action for Happiness -A Good Week
Paul C -AKA Lend-It-All Man
Why Move to Hastings?

1 comment:

Maybrick44 said...

However difficult this idea might be to understand, I believe that it COULD be possible.

Nobody liked seeing the pier continue to decay, there were many (like myself) who seethed with rage at the way our local councillors could spend thousands on speed humps and speed cameras but pleaded that they could do nothing to help protect the pier from vandals.

Of course, as soon as someone actually took action and actually burnt the pier down, the place was then SWIMMING with security guards and signs about the place telling people to 'keep away'.

I loved the pier very much and I can understand how someone might feel that 'putting the old girl out of her misery' was the kindest thing they could do to repay her for over 100 years of loyal service to the town.

If this was what happened, whoever did it was misguided in my humble opinion but if this does prove to be the case then I think we as a community in Hastings need to ask ourselves why someone was driven to such desperation.

Why regenerate Hastings when what we already have is let to go to wrack and ruin?