Hastings Borough Council Petition

We, the people of Hastings & St Leonards, petition Hastings Borough Council to lease or transfer ownership of Hastings Pier (or “The People's Pier” as it is sometimes called) only once the HPWRT has put in place clear processes by which its work will be open & accountable to the community. 

We also ask yourselves and them for a public statement in relation to seeking justice for those known to have been on the pier on the night of the fire. 

Above all, we ask that you endeavour to build the community's trust in all organisations to whom you lease or transfer property, ensuring that all will uphold the following values:
[to be continued at a public meeting at Southwater Area Community  Centre at 7pm on the Friday 5th October 2012  (2nd anniversary of the fire) and/or by registering your concerns on http://www.facebook.com/groups/hastingsjustice/ 
and/or below this blog post by adding a comment.


Please choose from this menu:

  • Community Empowerment
  • Encouraging Self Responsibility
  • Repairing Harm Done
  • Social Justice
  • Working & learning together
  • Re-integration of all into peaceful co-existence
And please add to that all of the following:
  • your 1st suggestion
  • your best friend's suggestion
  •  your new friend's suggestion
  • a principle that your neighbour really values and lives by

Paul Crosland explains his wish both for the well-being of Hastings Borough Council and the Hastings Pier & White Rock trust -both working in partnership with an empowered community: Questions on Part 1 of the interview of Chris include: 1) Do you want the HPWRT to become more open & accountable? Hastings Pier Fire & the community petition 2 years on - part 2 This section of the interview broadens out into the wider issues and Chris saying: "I don't really know why local government democracy is so unresponsive". http://sussexcommunity.blogspot.co.uk Discussing "No Power Without A countability" and Chris's personal experience of the HPWRT. Plus plans for the 2nd anniversary of the pier fire (5th October 2012): http://additionalinfo.blogspot.co.uk

2nd Anniversary of Hastings Pier Fire: "HastingsTube", "The Investigation So Far" & "What I did that led to Hastings Pier Fire"

For my money, the most informative and interesting Google Search about Hastings Pier Fire and it's aftermath is: What I did that led to Hastings Pier Fire. Not only is this blog -and it's videos well-represented- but you also get a David Icke Forum on the topic

Tony May here recommends that you come to the events on 5th October 2012 at the Southwater Area Community Centre:

Booking for all these events is by phoning/texting me (Paul Crosland) on Zero7807066202 and receiving a confirmation text message or on a 'click here and fill in the form at the bottom of the page' basis.

The programme is as follows

Friday 5th October
10am-5pm -HastingsTube Workshop1
Lunch provided; £10 deposit to secure
Fuller programme here
(A draft proposal for HastingsTube Playlists here)  
7pm for 7.30pm "The Hastings Pier Fire Investigation So Far"
(Films recapping the meeting with Sussex Police and local residents last year will be shown from 7.10pm-7.30pm and correspondence with the Ministry of Justice handed out, as well as copies of requests for the HPWRT)
Also covered in the evening will be "What I did that led to Hastings Pier Fire"; a plea to examine and refine all of our ethics in interacting with Hastings & St Leonards youth.

Saturday 6th October 11am-5pm HastingsTube Workshop2
(The programme will be approximately as per Friday 5th; particularly for those who struggled to be available on the Friday daytime, or who wanted to go into the matters raised on the Friday 5th workshop again whilst the issues are still fresh)  
Booking for all these events is by phoning/texting me (Paul Crosland) on Zero7807066202 and receiving a confirmation text message or on a 'click here and fill in the form at the bottom of the page' basis.
The intended play has been postponed to the 3rd anniversary -so save Saturday October 5th 2013 in your diary now!