Taking responsibility?

A theme that will be developed on this blog in 2011 is the taking of responsibility.
Mutual understanding of what other chains of actions led to the event eg Hastings Pier Fire about which someone feels sad and hurt is something this. What acts by you or others, things you did, or things you didn't do, made the fire of 5th October 2010 more likely?
For what are you willing to take responsibility?
I wrote on http://twitter.com/paulcrosland (29th November 2010) that when the truth comes out about  #hastingspier fire on http://peoplesjustice.org.uk, perhaps you will also say "I'm Spartacus!" & you'll value, as I do, the opportunity to take some responsibility in this town we love:

Other pages on this blog:
Mediation Support at Southwater Community Centre
Action for Happiness -A Good Week
Paul C -AKA Lend-It-All Man
Why Move to Hastings?

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